Brewing beer and culture

Our brewmaster Arttu could tell you about how Bofor can support your digital transformation with our fabulous offering and why we’re your best partner. Or, we could explain how we help our customers reach their strategic goals.

But everyone else is already doing that. And Arttu doesn’t want to be like everybody else.

At Bofor, we like to do things our own way. We think that telling you about our working culture and what it means to be a Boforian is much more valuable than using the latest business buzzwords.

Craft work

What happens when you put a handful of consultants in the same space and let them come up with a social club?

Well, we can tell you it’s not very profitable. Quite frankly, it can be a bit dangerous, but in a good way. One of our first ideas was to create a Brewing Club, which initially elicited a range of responses from Boforians, including: “Are you sure this is a good idea?” “It costs how much?!” “Is this even safe?” “If I support this, do I get free beers?” “Is this how plan to you spend some of your working time?”

After some lobbying – and bribing – the club was officially started and given a budget.

The first year was spent getting the right equipment and doing a trial run to make the very first official Bofor Summer Party Beer 2022, which, when consumed, led to some dubious decision-making at our annual summer garden party. Intoxicated by success (no pun intended), our Brewing Club came up with another costly idea: Let’s make a special beer for the Bofor holiday season party.

Someone came up with the idea of making a sour beer that tastes like the legendary Finnish pear-flavoured marmalade candy called Gröna kulor or Vihreät kuulat. As Finland is a bilingual country, our retail products often have both Swedish- and Finnish-language names.

Gröna kulor literally translates to “green balls” in English. Really.

The team started getting ready to brew the beer, but were not quite sure how to make the beer actually taste like Gröna kulor. So, they decided to buy some pear juice and Vihreät kuulat.

Once the beer had finished fermenting, they added the juice and candies.

Then they waited for a few weeks.

After the beer had been bottled and chilled in the fridge, it was finally time to taste the highly anticipated holiday season flavour.

Ale time

With great ceremony, the tasting began.

And it turned out to be the most disgusting beer anyone at the party had ever tasted!
What went wrong? Well, according to the Brewing Club it certainly wasn’t the idea of pear candy flavoured beer because that’s such an amazing concept.

Despite the beer not being a brilliant brewing breakthrough, the experiment was actually a great success. Why? Because being a Boforian is about working with a community of great people, experimenting with new ideas, having fun together doing cool stuff – and sharing lots of laughs.

As not everyone enjoys drinking beer, we’ve founded more clubs that anyone can join.

There’s room for everyone here and if you’d like to join a community that’s more than just another workplace, join Bofor. We promise our next experimental beer is going to be good!

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