
magnificent fist pump

Optimizing sales data for an uplifting process (Is your CRM really set up for what you do?)

It’s the same ol’ story: your business is growing, but all sales data is on a number of different spreadsheets all over the place. You know you’re not growing as fast as you could because your sales data isn’t up to date or accurate. This is how Havator hoisted up their sales process by gathering

Optimizing sales data for an uplifting process (Is your CRM really set up for what you do?) Read More »

Flying data

Tens Of Thousands Of New Customers flying in — Customer Insight in focus

A 200-year-old bank had just teamed up with an international airline, resulting in tens of thousands of new potential customers, many of whom had no previous contact with the bank. How did this financial institution use their momentum to reach and win them over? Aktia is a Finnish asset manager, bank and life insurer with

Tens Of Thousands Of New Customers flying in — Customer Insight in focus Read More »


Terveystalo’s new occupational healthcare technology solution greatly improves the quality of work:“Not one healthcare worker chose their profession to spend hours filling out forms on a computer.” Benefiting from employee understanding and technological know-how, Terveystalo’s new occupational healthcare action planning tool allows professionals to spend more time on what matters most: providing basic healthcare services


”Yksikään terveydenhoitaja ei ole valinnut hoitoalaa saadakseen täyttää lomakkeita.” 

Terveystalon työterveyden teknologiaratkaisulla lisätään työn merkityksellisyyttä:”Yksikään heistä ei valinnut hoitoalaa saadakseen täyttää lomakkeita” Terveystalon työterveyshuolto on nopeuttanut työterveyden toimintasuunnitelman tekoa hyödyntämällä työntekijäymmärrystä ja teknologista osaamista. Sujuvalla digityökalulla vapautetaan ammattilaisten aikaa tärkeimpään: terveydenhuollon peruspalvelujen tuottamiseen, hoitotyöhön ja asiakkaiden kohtaamiseen. Onnistunutta mallia voidaan tarjota muuallekin terveydenhuoltoon. Terveystalon kyselytutkimuksen mukaan työterveyden ammattilaisista 66 % on sitä mieltä, että

”Yksikään terveydenhoitaja ei ole valinnut hoitoalaa saadakseen täyttää lomakkeita.”  Read More »

“Not one healthcare worker chose their profession to spend hours filling out forms on a computer.”

Terveystalo’s new occupational healthcare technology solution greatly improves the quality of work:“Not one healthcare worker chose their profession to spend hours filling out forms on a computer.” Benefiting from employee understanding and technological know-how, Terveystalo’s new occupational healthcare action planning tool allows professionals to spend more time on what matters most: providing basic healthcare services

“Not one healthcare worker chose their profession to spend hours filling out forms on a computer.” Read More »

Brewing beer and culture

Our brewmaster Arttu could tell you about how Bofor can support your digital transformation with our fabulous offering and why we’re your best partner. Or, we could explain how we help our customers reach their strategic goals. But everyone else is already doing that. And Arttu doesn’t want to be like everybody else. At Bofor,

Brewing beer and culture Read More »

Rebels with a good cause: How value-based leadership makes people happier

One of the hottest topics in the business world is DEI, which means leading with values such asdiversity, equity, equality and inclusion.  Yet in tech, as in many sectors, there’s a risk of diversity-washing.   Like greenwashing – when a company says it’s environmentally conscious for marketingpurposes but doesn’t take any real sustainability measures – diversity-washing pretends to

Rebels with a good cause: How value-based leadership makes people happier Read More »